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Select the logistics service that best suits your needs (1. shipping, 2. customs clearance, 3. inventory management)







Shipping options

The prices indicated do not include shipping costs. 

At the checkout you will have the option to enter the name and account number of your shipping company, which we will use to organize the shipment of your order. 

In case you do not have an account with a shipping company, you can choose the option “I need help with shipping“. We offer a global delivery service with several options to best suit your business.

Click here to learn more or ask for a shipping quote.


UK: 02045588829

International: 0044-2045588829

General Inquiries:


128 City Road, EC1V 2NX, London UK

1. Standard Shipment

How it works

It’s the process of  the delivery of products from the seller’s warehouse to the customer’s location.

What we can do

We will be taking care of the entire logistics for the shipment of your order. 

Please note that this service does not include customs clearance. For this service please use the IOR solution.

2. Door-to-Door (IOR) (for International shipments)

What is an Importer Of Records (IOR)

An importer of record (IOR) is the entity or person in the destination country responsible for ensuring compliance requirements are met, when importing goods internationally.

The Benefits of an IOR Service

We take care of shipping, customs taxes and customs clearance.

3. Customized Delivery service

What we can do

We always try to satisfy the requests of our customers. In addition to our Standard Shipment and IOR shipping options, we offer our customers the ability to arrange the shipping of their orders as they prefer.

Let us know how you would like to ship your order and we will do our best to accommodate your needs.


Every listed product is subject to the warranty terms and conditions set by its vendor.

You can check the warranty of each product by clicking on the info button present on every product description row. In case the warranty is not specified, please contact our sales team for information.

For more information about Warranty see our Terms & Conditions.


Bank Transfer

After placing your order, our sales team will send you a pro-forma invoice to the e-mail address you have provided us, containing the total amount of your order with tax if applicable and our bank details to be used for the bank transfer.

You’ll have the option to make the bank transfer/Wire transfer in USD, EUR, GBP, or any other currency.

Card payment

For a faster payment option we offer an international credit/debit card payment method. If you wish to use this option, simply send an e-mail to including your order number, after placing your order. We will reply with an invoice in which you will find the link for payment by card. Please note that payment by card incurs a 2.5% fee in addition to the total order amount.

Final Invoice

After receipt of payment, we will send you the final invoice. Please note that we will only start processing the order once we have received full payment.

Applicable tax rate

If a tax rate applies to your order’s total amount, this will be calculated and displayed on the pro-forma and final invoice.

Tax rates or exemptions will be applied according to the purchaser’s TAX ID and the country in which it’s located.


Customized Delivery service

What we can do

We always try to satisfy the requests of our customers. In addition to our Standard Shipment and IOR shipping options, we offer our customers the ability to arrange the shipping of their orders as they prefer.

Let us know how you would like to ship your order and we will do our best to accommodate your needs.

I need help with Shipping

In case you do not have an account with a shipping company, you can choose the option “I need help with shipping“.

We offer a global delivery service with several options to best suit your business and we’ll quote you the best shipping option for the country of destination.

To find out more about our logistical capabilities, click here.

Shipping on my own account

This option allows you to enter the name and account number of your shipping company, which we will use to organize the shipment of your order.